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0000 Pt xfairyofmilezzzx0000000-For ConcursFashion-00000_Gta asa e DECISIA Mea_0AbonatiCLICK AIKI BAI FOARTE IMPORTANTCoperta Tuturor BenzilorDe ObikeiHappy Hallowen GuysheyxxIn Curand De HallowenIn Curand-Sarbatori Fericite Alaturi De PrieteniInca o Banda Soper ThareKu Cene Seman xD- BybiiiMiley Cyrus-cant be tamedMiley Nu Mai E VirginaMy FriendsNoi Prieteni TraileroOoOoOoOoOoPt LoveShineOfMiley OoOoOoOoOooOOoOoOoOoORACOL CEI CARE SUNT ABONATI TRB SA RASPUNDAPag Mea De GliteryPersonajePovesteaPrOgRaMPt ElleePt Miley de ziua eiPt TheOriginalMileyCyruspt xxrevistadisneycoolxxReclama BenziDisneyTVSURPRIZA TUTUROR BENZILORThx missVedeteleMeleLolThx xFairYOfMilezZzxToate Pozele Mele Cu MileyTrailer Hannah Revine Sau NuTrailer Un Nou Inceput   XX Un Nou Inceputxx part 1      XX Un Nou Inceput xxPart 2         XX Un Nou Inceput xxPart 3         XX Un Nou Inceput xxpart 4         XX Un Nou Inceput xxPart 5         XX Un Nou Inceput xxPart 6         XX Un Nou Inceput xxPart 7         XX Un Nou Inceput xxPart 8Un Nou Proiect In Curand-CLIK HEREva placeWhy DemiXX Accidentul Dianei xx22XX Auditii xx37XX CEARTA intre FrAtI xx6XX Cearta xx3XX Cele mai bune prietene xx2XX Cu Hannahxx27XX Doua Surori xxxx Dupa o Luunga Vacanta -EIPSOD NOU XXXX Excursia xx11XX Farsa xx12XX Fata Cu 2 Fete xxXX Hallowen-Buuu xx 30XX Hannah Revine Sau Nuxx38XX Hotelul xx9XX In America xx34XX Intalnirea xx12XX Intrebari de Show xx20XX La film xx16XX La Mall xx26XX La Meci xx18XX La Piscina xx17XX La Scoala xx23XX La Sport xx14XX Magiciana xx32XX Noi Prieteni xx   XX Noi Prieteni xxpart 2XX O Minciuna Spulbera O Prieteniexx29XX O Noua Fata xx31XX O Viata dubla dar si nesuportabila xxXX O Zi Din Viata Vedetelor xxXX Oare De Ce xx13XX Paty xx5XX Petrecerea Mare xx21XX Prea cald xx19XX Pregatiri xx24XX Prietenul Vechi xx25XX Revista xx8XX Sarbatori Alutari De Prieteni xx   XX Sarbatori Alaturi de Prieteni xxPart 2XX Show xx10XX Singura In Casa dar UPS xx33XX Testul xx 7XX Vechiul Prieten xx28XX Venirea lui Diana xx1XX Vrajitoare Sau Fata Obisnuita xx35   XX Vrajitoare Sau Fata Obisnuita xx36XX Ziua Maryei xx15XXImpacarea xx4

membru din 9 octombrie 2010

In Curand De Hallowen

o petrecere infricosatoare!
buna!s-a vazut cv aiki in casa!haideti
buna!s-a vazut cv aiki in casa!haideti
aia e....fantoma dianei!aaaaaaaa!
aia e....fantoma dianei!aaaaaaaa!
aa!nu scapati
aa!nu scapati
asta eeeeee.......fantoma lui MJ!aaaaa
asta eeeeee.......fantoma lui MJ!aaaaa
vor reusi sa le invinga?unrmeaza!!!!!!!!!mu-ha-ha-ha-ha!
vor reusi sa le invinga?unrmeaza!!!!!!!!!mu-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Comentarii album • 1
spnSUPERNATURAL 6 noiembrie 2010  
This is not a joke! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning!
Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she kille...d her mom........................ an...d her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the government decided that. See... See More... See more More best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she finally died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death.
Now send this to ten other pics on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't pass this on like you did. And forget about you. Example 1:
Jenny didn't believe this and deleted it without even reading the whole thing! A few days later on the monday night, she was woken up by loud footsteps and heavy breathing, there was Clarissa standing there with a huge knife and well Jenny is history nowSee MoreVisa mer
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